Jeff, I just want to thank you for who you were to me and how you made me feel the moment I walked in to your studio. For the first time, I felt like someone truly believed in me and really thought I was talented. You made me feel unique. Every week that I came there, I left feeling and believing I could do this. I could do what my artist heart and mind longs and hungers to do and be. I gained confidence and belief and more passion. You were the first person that allowed me to feel that about my creative side. You are an amazing individual and have had great impact that I will never forget for my creative self-worth. Thank you for seeing me. You’ve seen my true self and who I really was, maybe even before I believed in it and could see it. I am figuring out who I really am as a person, now, and will not let little things steer me away or hide that anymore. I truly thank you for what you did, the words you spoke and the passion you had for me when I was with you. It will always mean something to me and is the spark I go back to every time I want to pick up the pen to write/sing. Thank you, Jeff Hartman, for being a huge impact on my creative self-worth. Love you, man!
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