Junk (Original Cast Album) Announcement
Junk (Original Cast Recording) is currently available on the following digital platforms; CD Baby, Amazon, Spotify, and Google Play. It should pop up on iTunes any minute, now. Physical CDs are expected to return from manufacturing around August 24th. The album is dedicated to Charles Jeffers. The soundtrack for the Bass~Hartman musical about a yard ...Kurts & Phelps House Concert
Please join us on Thursday, August 6, 2015, for the next in this year’s series of Hickory Arts house concerts featuring Jimmy Kurts with Madison Phelps accompanied by Brad Bailey, Forrest Brown, and Jeff Hartman. Tickets (“donations,” if you prefer) are $20 and can be purchased online or at Hickory Arts. Please call ahead as ...The Last Five Years
HICKORY – Hickory Arts & Hickory Community Theatre are partnering to bring Jason Robert Brown’s “The Last Five Years” to The Firemen’s Kitchen as part of their Working Artist Series from July 12-28. The musical is directed by Jeff Hartman, featuring Carol Anne & Jeff Hartman and a string quartet including Diana Stone and Charlton …
Pilot Season
Teen to Show Off Skills in Los Angeles Courtesy of Hickory Daily Record Sunday, January 27, 2013 Alec Owen Nance will soon be on his way to Los Angeles for pilot season. Alec, who will be 14 in April, is a student at St. Stephens Lutheran School and lives with his family in Hickory. His …
Get to know the Hartmans on “People You Should Know”
Get to know the Hartmans on “People You Should Know” In this month’s “People You Should Know”, Hal Row interviews Jeff and Carol Anne Hartman about a new performing arts center, theater, music and even gets them to sing a song in the studio. It’s a fun interview and highlights the creative efforts this couple …
Sydney Shepherd House Concert
Sydney Shepherd Hickory Arts House Concert Sponsored by I’m With the Band: The Mesh Saturday, June 23, 2012 from 7:30 pm HICKORY – Meet Kingsley, Harold, Orpheus, Violet, May, and Rosalind. These are, of course, the names of Sydney Shepherd’s many instruments and you can meet them all on June 23 from 7:30 pm for ...Good signs of aging…
Jason Hatfield and Jeff Hartman date back to their days as Image Players, their high school drama club. They’ve been close friends for over 20 years. Jason is a graduate of Western Carolina University with degrees in Theatre and Public Relations. His professional acting credits are extensive, including roles in Robert Redford’s “The Conspirator” and ...Hartman Delivers Solid Talent on All Stages
Blessed with Talent Hartman Delivers Solid Talent on All Stages February 2007 Written by Barbara Burns, The Outlook The very talented Jeff Hartman insists that his musical abilities are gifts that God has blessed him with. In addition to his musical talents, he has appeared on the stages of area community theatres. “God, family, friends, ...- « Previous
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