Obviously "Back to the Future." When he first zips back in time, he finds himself in the middle of the 1981 Hickory Christmas Parade. It's amazing how the girl sitting on the hood doesn't catch on fire, nor does anyone notice anything unusual. ; )
The video at the top is from the 1981 Hickory Christmas Parade - I can't tell if it's going around HCT down Trade or if it's rounding the end of the square towards Randolph's. The Fiddler music is from the actual production. Original music from the '87 Streets of Hickory. Two clips at the end are from two different Firemen's Kitchen cabaret concerts - 1st Buzz Atwood's and 2nd Julia Rush's.
It's meatier (length and content-wise) than I prefer, but such was the 80's. I left Tina's repeating of some of what Ralph says because she describes it a little differently, and adds a few things, and it timed out perfectly with the amount of pictures I had left for the remainder of the decade. The pics hung me up this go round and we didn't have much to directly visually represent what Charles and Tina converse about.
Back to the Theatre
Client - Hickory Community TheatreProduct - 60th Anniversary | '80s
Title - "Back to the Theatre"
TRT - 8:51
Date - 1.25.10
Produced by Carol Anne Hartman Photography, Jeff Hartman, and Plastic Moon Pictures at Hickory Arts
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