Please join us on Friday, July 19, 2019, for the next in this year’s series of Hickory Arts house concerts featuring singer/songwriter Mckenna Haislip. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online. Only 30 seats available. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Doors open at 7:30 pm for an “eat & greet” with the artist. Performance begins at 8 pm.
Mckenna Haislip did one thing, first and foremost as a child. She sang anything and everything. She found that with age it became less cute and more “Can she just... not?” First performing at the mature age of four in the atrium of a cruise ship, she found her first love. As soon as she was able to write, she started writing songs and dreamed of a day where she could sing them in front of other people and, if you ask her, she will confirm how jealous she was of Taylor Swift as a seven-year-old.
Mckenna grew up in a household dominated by sports, which made her musical affinities all the more out of place. Can one play soccer while belting High School Musical’s “Breaking Free?” It’s possible. She’s done it. She started working with Hickory Art’s Jeff Hartman in seventh grade, where she learned how to develop her skills as a vocalist, as well as prepare for her school talent shows and plays.
Seven years later, she’s back to perform for the first time in years for her family and friends (and anyone willing to listen) some of her favorite songs, as well as some of her own compositions. Come join us at Hickory Arts for a college send-off performance with Mckenna, accompanied by Jeff Hartman. All are welcome!
Hickory Arts House Concerts are very intimate. Volunteers to “potluck” for the performer(s) and guests is strongly encouraged. All proceeds always go directly to the artist(s). No membership or personal invitation required.
Hickory Arts is the “un-studio”—a simple, custom, non-event-driven teaching & production studio dedicated to coaching and empowering performance artists. The studio is located at 720 Second Avenue SW, Hickory 28602 behind ITP and across from Hickory Optimist Park (where you’ll also find additional parking). For more information about tickets and Hickory Arts, please explore the website or call 828-270-9801.
“Home is where the art is.” — | Follow us on Twitter! @hickoryarts
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