Jason Hatfield and Jeff Hartman date back to their days as Image Players, their high school drama club. They’ve been close friends for over 20 years. Jason is a graduate of Western Carolina University with degrees in Theatre and Public Relations. His professional acting credits are extensive, including roles in Robert Redford’s “The Conspirator” and several episodes as Pittman on “Homeland.”
Good signs of aging...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
by Jason Hatfield
I began high school in 1987. By the time I graduated in 1991, I had met a fantastically gifted musician named Jeff Hartman. He was a yankee-bastard and had been ever since birth (Jersey joke). For the life of me, I can’t remember how we actually met, unless it was while in Miss Lail’s “Drama Class.” I use quotation marks because it was really a study hall. We didn’t do shit; at all.
One may ask, “How then, Jason, did you become the miraculous performer you are today?” I would answer, but I digress…
We, along with a third musketeer, goofed off and were probably as best of friends as guys could be in high school. Even after going off to our differing universities (Western, for myself and Appalachian, for Jeff), we still kept in touch. Sure, we weren’t best of friends all the time. Things were strained once or twice, but we always remained in touch.
I was also blessed to watch the early stages of his relationship with Carol Anne. How he met his inevitable wife (during a run of “The Fantasticks,” which I actually attended and took part in the first reading of and will be doing two shows with one of the directors of that show, Ron Chisholm, this summer) and I even got to know her very well, as we all worked together for a time before I moved to Wilmington. I was privileged to take part in his wedding some years later.
Everyone has a life that they feel is planned out for them. They want to get married here, have kids here, successful job in-between and for some of us, the order gets jumbled, plans fall through, or just takes a bit longer to come to fruition.
Some, however, seem to have it all planned out and executed just fine.
He is probably one of my best friends and I admire the hell out of him. He’s talented in music, he’s a fine actor and he’s even achieved being a father of three, two of which are twins. He has quite the family and he’s able to juggle touring with a band with being a father.
Today, he just posted this, which is his oldest son taking the stage for what I imagine is the first time. That’s his wife Carol Anne playing guitar… Open the Eyes of My Heart
It made me smile with pride.
One of the signs of growing up, or rather, getting older, is seeing these friends mature and seeing the children of these friends grow up. I’ve never had the chance to see his kids in person. But, for the photos I have seen, to see the little bits of Jeff and Carol mixed together makes me look forward to the time when I will eventually have children.
I’m sorry, I hope those words didn’t frighten many people.
It’s pretty strange though to think that there was a time we huddled around a tape recorder howling with laughter about Andrew Dice Clay jokes, tried early drinking, early fouled-up stages of high school romance (to clarify, not with each other), even a home-made movie or two and now he’s a responsible dad and I’m certain, a damn good one.
I’m by no means stating that I feel my life isn’t successful. There is a lot I have accomplished personally and professionally that I never dreamed I would. But, it’s nice to see someone I respect and admire cross a milestone I intend to reach in my future.
Here’s to you, Jeff, and your wife Carol Anne. Hell, here’s to your family. May it continue to make you proud, and in turn, me as well.
I’m damn proud of you, boy. You done good.
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