Feelin’ Gruvey

Every once in a while something or someone comes along that overwhelmingly reminds you you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, doing exactly what you’re supposed to. This, from everything artist, Julia Gruver. “Dear Jeff, I must confess I have been putting off writing this letter for a while. As I sit here contemplating what …


I don’t think we got through many “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” rehearsals without teasing each other and laughing ourselves to tears. That experience with you, Janet and Tim is precious to me. It changed me (no pun intended) forever. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I wrote the following of …

Sydney Shepherd

A behind-the-scenes look at a quintessential everything artist’s journey with Hickory Arts—from penning to publishing, from promoting to performing, from inspiration to accomplishment. Sydney Shepherd March 4, 2012 Hey Jeff! Hope you are doing well. I’m really impressed with all you are doing with music and art on the Hickory scene (smile emoticon). I am …

Joy of Teaching

Joy of Teaching Jeff Hartman, Artistic Director February 26, 2012 Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.Chinese Proverb I’ve had the privilege of teaching and directing in the area since I was a student at ASU. It is …

Good signs of aging…

Jason Hatfield and Jeff Hartman date back to their days as Image Players, their high school drama club. They’ve been close friends for over 20 years. Jason is a graduate of Western Carolina University with degrees in Theatre and Public Relations. His professional acting credits are extensive, including roles in Robert Redford’s “The Conspirator” and ...

Hartman Delivers Solid Talent on All Stages

Blessed with Talent Hartman Delivers Solid Talent on All Stages February 2007 Written by Barbara Burns, The Outlook The very talented Jeff Hartman insists that his musical abilities are gifts that God has blessed him with. In addition to his musical talents, he has appeared on the stages of area community theatres. “God, family, friends, ...