Digital Camera Workshop
Learn how to be smarter than your camera. Carol Anne Hartman Photography is offering a digital camera class! This class is perfect for anyone that wants to learn how to take better pictures with their camera. We spend the day learning to shoot in “Manual Mode” so you can fully understand all of the factors that go into making a proper exposure. This class is specifically for those with a DSLR camera, but if your point and shoot has a manual mode, the same principles apply. There is an optional second day class that will take the hands-on aspect even further (as seen above).June 9, 2012 (with an option for June 10th)
10am to 6pm
720 2nd Ave SW, Hickory 28602
$125 for Saturday only (lunch included) or $200 for both days
Class size is limited to 15, so register today to guarantee your spot!